Maintenance Requests
Use the interactive chat to report repairs at your property and lets solve the problem.
Handy Hints
- Submitting any photos or videos of your issue when prompted, it is likely we will be able to solve the issues faster for you.
- Your Property Manager will be notified, and you will receive a response soon.
Tenant Info - All the Basics
Contacting Our Office
To receive prompt action, the best form of contact with our office is via email, please email however if your mater is urgent, we can be contacted via phone 07 3844 8339. We are not always in the office as we are often out and about with properties. But will attended to you ASAP. Please note that the office is not open on the weekend or Public Holidays, but we can be contacted by phone in emergency.
Routine Inspections
Our office will carry out periodic routine inspections on the property to ascertain the condition of the property, necessary maintenance requests, and to report back to the owners of the condition of their property. Written notice will be given to you on all occasions. This inspection also provides and opportunity for you to point out any problems or maintenance that you think may be necessary.
Locked out of The Property
If you find yourself locked out of the property, we maybe able to help if we are in the office. If we are not available, please call ABLE LOCKSMITHS – 07 3393 9500 or your specific Building Manager are the people to contact and there will be a fee payable by you at the time of the visit. We are not able to assist after office hours weekends of public holidays.
Renter’s Insurance
Please visit the PIP insurance website.
Emergency and after hours repairs
After hours maintenance – Please call Hamish Lindsay 0457 062 548 first, please leave a voicemail and/or send an SMS. If you are unable to get a hold of Hamish after leaving a message, please then call the following appropriate contractor who have service arrangements with Emerge Realty, as per your current general tenancy agreement. Please see below in what defines an emergency repair.
Locksmith Able Locksmiths 07 3393 9500
Electrician Munn Electrical 0407 522 678
Plumber Gravity Plumbing 0438 585 121
Other Important Numbers
Ambulance, Fire, Police – 000
Police Link – 131 444
Crime Stoppers – 1800 333 000
24 Hour Health Advice – 134 325 84
Brisbane City Council – 3403 8888
Energex – 131 253
SES – 132 500
Life Line – 131 114
Kids Help Line – 1800 551 800
Beyond Blue Depression – 1300 224 636
Refer to Legislation following for what is classified as Emergency Repairs:
RTRA ACT 2008 Section 214 – Meaning of emergency repairs Emergency repairs are works needed to repair any of the following a-
(a) burst water service or a serious water service leak;
(b) blocked or broken lavatory system;
(c) serious roof leak;
(d) gas leak
(e) dangerous electrical fault;
(f) flooding or serious flood damage
(g) serious storm, fire or impact damage
(h) failure or breakdown of the gas, electricity or water supply to premises;
(i) failure or breakdown of an essential service or appliance on premises for hot water, cooking or heating;
(j) fault or damage that makes premises unsafe or insecure
(k) fault or damage likely to injure a person, damage Property or unduly inconvenience a Tenant of premises;
(l) serious fault in a staircase, lift or other common area of premises that unduly inconveniences a Tenant in gaining access to, or using, the premises.
If the repair is not of an emergency nature, please submit a property maintenance request through the tenant portal and we will arrange the appropriate tradespeople.